Update – Potential CSU 52 Strike Information

Categories: Alberta, IBEW, IBEW 1007

Mediation between Civic Service Union 52 (CSU) and the City of Edmonton has ended and the parties are in their 14 day “cooling off period.” What this means is that at the end of this 14 days, a work stoppage is possible. CSU has applied to the Labour Relations Board to conduct a strike vote to ensure their members are protected.

In the event of a strike or a lock out, here are some things that you should keep in mind as a member of one of the four other Unions at the City.

  • What is expected of me during a strike?
    You are still expected to show up to work, but are strongly encouraged to refuse to do the work of striking members.
  • CSU members are on strike / locked out, should I cross the picket line?
    The Alberta Labour Code does not permit union members to refuse to cross picket lines.
  • While I’m at work, what if I’m asked to perform the duties of a striking employee?
    Members have the right to refuse to perform work beyond their normally assigned duties, specifically work typically done by striking / locked out workers (see s.149(1)(f) of the Labour Relations Code). If you are threatened with discipline for refusing to do this work, call the Union office ASAP.
  • Can I join a picket line during work hours?
    No, but you are free to join during non-work time (lunch, before or after your shift) and are encouraged to do so.
  • How else can I support CSU 52 during a work stoppage? 
    Please know that the Coalition of Edmonton Civic Unions (CECU) stands firmly behind CSU as they fight for a fair deal. This is a challenging time but we are united and committed to seeing CSU succeed! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Union office.

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