Public advisory: Update – Construction begins on D.A. Thomas recreation site in Hudson’s Hope

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

Following a delay from the original start date, construction has begun on the new recreation site and upgrades to D.A. Thomas Road.

The delay was due to factors such as a higher wildfire danger rating and the presence of bird nests in the work area.

In the week before construction begins, crews will prepare the site by mobilizing equipment, setting up the office trailer, stockpiling construction materials, and clearing vegetation.

We expect that construction will now be completed over two construction seasons. Crews will complete as much work as possible through the remainder of the 2023 construction season before making the site safe and de-mobilizing for the winter shutdown. Crews will return to site in spring 2024 to complete the remainder of the work.

When complete, the recreation site will feature picnic tables and fire rings, as well as a new small craft boat launch. A gangway and floating dock will allow car topper-type boats, such as kayaks and canoes, to be launched.

The access trail and work site will be closed to the public while construction is underway.

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