Public advisory: Site C till conveyor operation

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

BC Hydro will resume the seasonal operation of  the five-kilometre-long till conveyor system for Site C. The till conveyor normally operates in the non-freezing months, typically from late March to early November each year. The conveyor, which runs from the 85th Avenue Industrial Lands to the dam site, carries glacial till, an impervious clay-like material that will form the core of the Site C dam.

The conveyor system was chosen as the primary form of transport because it  reduces traffic on local roads, creates fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and results in less noise and dust.

Safety is our top priority
Safety is our top priority at BC Hydro. We are working with our contractors to ensure work is planned and managed effectively. We ask nearby residents to use caution and stay clear of the conveyor area, which will be an active construction zone until we complete the Site C project.

We understand that conveyor operations may be disruptive to people living nearby and thank you for your patience as we work to finish the Site C project safely. 

Our community relations team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

What to expect

  • Work could take place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Nearby residents may experience increased dust, noise and vibration.

Above: Conveyor belt route

Contact us

Toll-free: 1-877-217-0777
Email:     [email protected]
Twitter:  @sitecproject

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