Project health clinic open at Site C dam site

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

On-site health services will reduce demand on community health care providers

FORT ST. JOHN – BC Hydro has an agreement in place with Halfway River International SOS Medical Ltd. to provide health services for the Site C project workforce at Two Rivers Lodge, the worker accommodation camp. Halfway River International SOS Medical Ltd. is a partnership between Halfway River First Nation and International SOS.

The Project Health Clinic provides Site C workers with access to primary and preventative health care and work-related injury evaluation and treatment services.

Key attributes of the clinic include:

  • The clinic is open seven days a week, 12 hours a day, with emergency after-hour access. It will be open 24 hours a day during peak workforce periods.
  • It delivers healthy living and illness prevention programs to the workforce, including flu immunizations.
  • Clinic staffing will include nurse practitioners, advanced care paramedics and registered nurses, supported by an off-site medical director.

BC Hydro worked collaboratively with Northern Health to identify delivery models to provide access to health care services directly on the construction site. The level of care available is similar to that of many outpatient clinics across the province. Nurse practitioners are able to diagnose and treat most primary care conditions, prescribe medications, order lab tests and imaging, and perform minor surgical procedures. These health care services are provided in a confidential medical clinic setting inside of the worker accommodation lodge.

The operation of an on-site health care facility is a condition of the Site C project’s Environmental Assessment Certificate. The clinic will remain open for the duration of the operations phase of Two Rivers Lodge.

Site C construction started in summer 2015 and will be completed in 2024.

The Site C Clean Energy Project is a hydroelectric dam and generating station under construction in northeast B.C. Once built, Site C will provide clean, reliable and affordable electricity for more than 100 years.

BC Hydro Media Relations

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