Happy 2020 from 1620! – 1620
Categories: IBEW, IBEW 1620, Newfoundland and Labrador
From our 1620 home to yours, I’d like to wish you all a happy & healthy New Year. I hope you all had a great Christmas break with your families and certainly, I look forward to us working together in 2020.
As we look toward the next twelve months, it promises to be an active year for all of us at 1620. We will continue to work for you and focus on your needs. You told us to focus our efforts on membership development/ organizing, communications, training, orientation, branding, membership engagement, and political action. Our membership approved this in 2018 under our Local Union Strategic Plan. This continues to be our blueprint and it is our “work in progress”. We will keep at it.
2020 needs to be all about participation. I’d like to take this opportunity to personally ask you to get involved in 1620. We are always looking for good help and we’d certainly welcome you in any way we can. Whether it is just coming to our Union meetings or helping on a committee, I’d encourage you to please consider everything we have to offer, hopefully step up and pitch in. Our Union needs your good help.
As you know, we regularly communicate by blast emails. Please keep yourself up to date on what we are doing. If at any time you need us, please contact us directly. We are only too happy to help you.
Again, I look forward to us working together and I wish you all the best for a great 2020!
Don Murphy
Business Manager/Financial Secretary