BC Hydro moves to next phase for awarding the Site C generating station and spillways civil works contract

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

VANCOUVER – BC Hydro has selected the Aecon-Flatiron-Dragados-EBC Partnership (AFDE Partnership) as the preferred proponent to move to the next phase…


** Important ** MANDATORY TRAINING TO BE DONE Before available for Job Dispatch – New electrical trades memorandum – Article 1009 – IBEW 1003

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 1003

The Employer and the Union both recognize it is in the best interest of all parties to maintain a safe work place, and that begins with relevant safet…


BC Hydro issues Request for Proposals for construction of the Site C project transmission lines

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

VANCOUVER – BC Hydro posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) on BC Bid for the construction of two new transmission lines for the Site C Clean Energ…

IBEW Annual Picnic 2017 went well. (w/photos) – IBEW 1003

IBEW Annual Picnic 2017 went well. (w/photos) – IBEW 1003

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 1003

Thanks to everyone that came out to the annual 1003 picnic. Turn out was pretty good, just a few less than last year. We had lots of food and good com…


Gastrointestinal virus at Site C dam site

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

There is a small outbreak of a gastrointestinal virus at the Site C dam site. At this point, approximately 15 workers are affected. They are off work…


Update: Majority of wood debris cleared from main stem of Peace River at the Site C dam site, continued caution is advised

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

In late May, BC Hydro advised boaters to avoid the Peace River at the Site C dam site due to wood debris under the temporary Peace River Construction…


Public advisory: Boaters advised to use caution when passing through Site C dam site

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

On May 25, 2017, BC Hydro advised boaters to avoid the Peace River at the Site C dam site due to wood debris under the temporary Peace River Construct…


Public advisory: Wood debris under temporary Peace River Construction Bridge

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

FORT ST. JOHN – High water levels on the Peace River have caused a partial blockage caused by logs under the temporary Peace River Construction Bridge…


Turbines and generators contractor starts work on Site C

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

BC Hydro’s Site C project reached a milestone today as the turbines and generators contractor mobilized to the construction site. Voith Hydro Can…

Tension crack remediation

Site C Update #4: Tension crack on north bank of Site C dam

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

BC Hydro and its contractor are implementing a remediation plan for the 400-metre tension crack on the north bank of the Site C dam site. Safety is ou…
