He can't afford to rent an apartment. So this man secretly sleeps in an office

He can’t afford to rent an apartment. So this man secretly sleeps in an office

Categories: Canada

A man in St. John’s rents office space, but he doesn’t have an office job.He’s an electrician, driving from gig to gig all day. The office is where he…

Staff at A&W in Kamloops, B.C., unionize in what organizers say is a first in Canada

Staff at A&W in Kamloops, B.C., unionize in what organizers say is a first in Canada

Categories: Canada

A group of workers in Kamloops, B.C., are believed to be the first staff at a Canadian A&W restaurant to successfully unionize.Thirteen people who…

Centennial Park tennis and pickleball court project now underway | Spare News

Former Apex resident recalls ‘beautiful’ childhood after discovering historical photograph | Spare News

Categories: Canada

In May of 1968, Mary Zinnow’s family lost their home in Apex to a fire, and with it, all of their photos.Now 78 years old, she went most her life with…
