Site C Regional Legacy Benefits Agreement signed

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

DAWSON CREEK – BC Hydro and the Peace River Regional District (PRRD) have announced that they have reached an agreement for regional legacy benefits associated with the operation of the proposed Site C Clean Energy Project.

Under the terms of the agreement, BC Hydro will provide an annual payment of $2.4 million to the PRRD and its member communities for a period of 70 years, once Site C is operational. The payments will be indexed to inflation after the first year of operation. The funds will be allocated to member communities based on a formula determined by the region that considers both population and relative project impacts for each community.

The proposed Site C project — including the hydroelectric dam, generating station and reservoir — is located within PRRD boundaries. The PRRD land area includes 12 million hectares (120,000 square kilometers) with a population of approximately 63,000.

The PRRD is a federation of seven incorporated municipalities — District of Chetwynd, City of Dawson Creek, City of Fort St. John, District of Hudson’s Hope, Village of Pouce Coupe, District of Taylor, District of Tumbler Ridge — and a vast unincorporated rural area.

Site C requires environmental certification and other regulatory permits and approvals before it can proceed to construction. In addition, the Crown has a duty to consult and, where appropriate, accommodate Aboriginal groups.


Hon. Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines

“This legacy benefits agreement for the Peace River Regional District is an important step forward for the Site C project that will provide clean, reliable and cost-effective electricity to British Columbians for over 100 years. Site C will create about 33,000 jobs during development and construction and generate about $3.2 billion in GDP for the province.”

Karen Goodings, Chair, Peace River Regional District

“The Peace Region recognizes the provincial economic opportunity and value this new power source would bring British Columbia. It is important to acknowledge the significant sacrifices that the Peace region will be making in hosting this economic generator. This legacy agreement is a symbol of that acknowledgement.”

Susan Yurkovich, Executive Vice-President, Site C

“BC Hydro is committed to providing legacy benefits for communities in the Peace River Regional District. This agreement helps to recognize the important contributions that the region and its communities make in providing clean and affordable hydroelectricity for all British Columbians. In addition to this agreement, BC Hydro will continue to work with local governments on mitigation measures for the construction phase of the project.”

Hon. Pat Pimm, Peace River North MLA

“Peace River communities deserve a fair share of the benefits from Site C, and I have been advocating for a legacy agreement with BC Hydro since 2010. The agreement signed today promises to provide 70 years of financial support to the Peace River Regional District and its member communities once Site C is operational.”

Mike Bernier, Peace River South MLA

“The Peace region plays a key role in providing clean and reliable electricity for the province. This legacy benefits agreement for Site C is an important recognition of this role. In addition to the jobs and other economic benefits that will flow to the communities of the region, they will now also be able to count on long-term funding as a result of Site C.”

About the Peace River Regional District

The Peace River Regional District and Hospital District serve the Peace River region of British Columbia, south of the 58th parallel and east of the Rocky Mountains to the Alberta border.

Its boundaries encompass approximately 12 million hectares (120,000 square kilometers). The population resides in seven incorporated municipalities and four rural electoral areas.

See the PRRD website for more information.

About Site C

The Site C Clean Energy Project is a proposed third dam and hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River in northeast B.C. Site C would provide 1,100 megawatts (MW) of capacity, and produce about 5,100 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity each year — enough energy to power the equivalent of about 450,000 homes per year in B.C.

With Site C, BC Hydro is planning now so that British Columbians will continue to benefit from clean, reliable and cost-effective electricity in the future. Subject to environmental certification, Site C would be a source of clean and renewable electricity for more than 100 years.

For more information, go to our Site C section.

Media inquiries

BC Hydro Media Relations: p. 604 928 6468
Fran Haughian, Communications Manager/ Commission Liaison, Peace River Regional District Email: [email protected]
P:        250 785 8084
Cell:     250 784 4328

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