Nominations and Elections of Officers for Local Union 2228

Categories: IBEW, IBEW 2228, Ontario


Nominations and Elections of Officers for Local Union 2228

Please take note that nominations are now open for the following positions:

  • President and Delegate to the International Convention
  • Business Manager / Financial Secretary and Delegate to the International Convention
  • Vice President
  • Recording Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Executive Board Members for the following Regions:
    • Region 1 Newfoundland & Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island
    • Region 2 Quebec and Nunavut Territory
    • Region 3 National Capital Region (east of Trenton)
    • Region 4 Ontario
    • Region 5 Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Northwest Territory, and Yukon Territory
    • Region 6 British Columbia

To be eligible for nomination, the candidate must be a member in good standing for at least two years in the Local Union (prior to nomination). To be eligible for candidacy in any one of the 6 regions, the member must reside in the region of nomination and must also be nominated by a member in good standing who resides in the region of nomination.

Nominations for the above positions must be received by the Recording Secretary on or before April 15th, 2025. Nominations can be submitted via mail or email at the following address:

John Mahoney
Local 2228, IBEW Recording Secretary
8 Williams Place Gander, NL A1V0A7


No member may be a candidate for more than one office. Anyone nominated to more than one office must advise the Recording Secretary as to which office they will be accepting candidacy by May 7, 2025.

The nominee’s proof of willingness to stand for election must also be sent to the Recording Secretary and be received by May 7, 2025. It is the responsibility of the nominee (if they so desire) to provide the Recording Secretary a resume of his or her (union only) activities by May 7, 2025. If received by this date, it will be posted on the Local’s web site for the information of the voting membership.

To further assist the process, you may submit nominations and acceptances together using the following nomination form.

The election will be conducted by secret electronic ballot and the vote count will take place on June 6, 2025.  Members will receive voting instructions by mail at their last known address. The votes will then be certified by the National Election Judge who is appointed by the President.

In the event a runoff election is required, the same shall be held with the vote count to take place on June 27, 2025. The same rules shall apply to the runoff election as were applicable to the regular election.

Any member who believes a protest of the election is warranted is urged to contact the election judge within a few days after the ballots are counted. Further protests of the election may be filed in writing with International Vice President Russ Shewchuk within 30 days following the election. The decision of the International Vice President shall conclude the processing of a protest within the IBEW.

If there are any questions, you can direct them to me (via email) at, or, call the office at 1-800-267-4163.

In Solidarity,

John Mahoney
Recording Secretary
Local 2228, IBEW

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