Negotiation Update #3 – IBEW-FIOE 2228

Categories: IBEW, IBEW 2228, Ontario

The Local’s negotiating team met with Nav Canada from the 20th to the 24thth of November.


Consensus was reached on a small amount of non-monetary items and administrative changes to language. Discussions with the employer were productive in developing an understanding of each teams’ bargaining interests.


The Locals bargaining team continued to develop language on the remining proposals and spent a large amount of time crafting language for proposed changes to Article 51, Employment Security and LOU 4-20, and 5-20, Competency Programs.

While progress was made this week, there remains much work to be done to achieve consensus, and many proposals must be considered in the context of a comprehensive offer which has not been presented yet.


The Local’s Team will be meeting with the employer the week of December 4thth to continue bargaining.


Should you have any questions or concerns please send us a message at and we will set up time to connect with you. As mentioned, if we get several inquiries, we will set up a teleconference.


In Solidarity


Paul Cameron

Business Manager/ Financial Secretary

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