Make Your Vote Count – The Future of Our Union and Wages Depends on It – Electrical Workers Local 993

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 993

Posted on October 15, 2024 2:33 pm

As members of IBEW 993, we know the importance of protecting our rights, wages, and the benefits that we’ve worked hard to achieve. With the BC provincial election on the horizon, early voting is a valuable tool to make sure our voices are heard, regardless of our schedules or responsibilities.

This election carries critical implications for union members, especially with the BC Conservatives pushing policies that could undermine the union way of life. By contrast, the BC NDP has consistently shown their commitment to supporting working families and safeguarding the rights that our unions have fought so hard to establish.

Why Early Voting Matters

Early voting gives us flexibility, allowing us to avoid the rush of election day and cast our ballots at a time that suits us best. This is particularly valuable for those of us with long shifts, family commitments, or jobs that require us to be on-call. By voting early, we ensure our voices count toward the future of our province and the protection of our union rights.

The Threat Posed by the BC Conservatives

The BC Conservatives have made it clear that they intend to roll back union protections, a move that would significantly impact our livelihoods. Here’s how their policies threaten the union way of life:

  1. Lower Wages
    The Conservatives have proposed reducing minimum wage regulations and scaling back wage protections for union workers. This could lead to wage suppression, which would affect not only minimum wage earners but also set a precedent that weakens our collective bargaining power. For our members, this could mean decreased wages and the erosion of fair compensation that the IBEW has worked tirelessly to secure.
  2. Undermining Worker Protections
    By advocating for looser labor laws, the Conservatives would make it easier for employers to cut corners on safety and benefits. Such policies would shift the balance of power away from workers, making our workplaces less safe and more precarious. Our right to negotiate for safe working conditions and appropriate compensation is fundamental, and any threat to these rights is a direct threat to our well-being.
  3. Anti-Union Stance
    The Conservative platform includes measures aimed at reducing the influence of unions. This could involve making it harder for workers to organize, participate in collective bargaining, or take legal action against unfair labor practices. Weakening our union would diminish our ability to advocate for ourselves and each other, leaving workers more vulnerable to exploitation.

The NDP’s Support for Unions and Working Families

The BC NDP has demonstrated consistent support for union rights and policies that prioritize working families. By voting for the NDP, we can continue to build a province that respects and supports the value of union labor. Here are a few ways the NDP has shown their support:

  1. Protecting Wages and Benefits
    The NDP has raised minimum wages and championed fair wage policies, recognizing that wage security is essential for a thriving workforce. They support policies that ensure fair compensation for all workers, including protections for overtime pay and benefits. This approach benefits union members by maintaining the standard of living we work hard to uphold.
  2. Strengthening Worker Protections
    The NDP supports strong labor laws that protect workers on the job. They have enacted policies to improve workplace safety, establish paid sick leave, and ensure employers meet fair employment standards. With the NDP in office, our rights to safe working conditions and adequate job security are more likely to be preserved.
  3. Promoting Union Values
    The NDP values the role unions play in creating a balanced, fair workforce. They understand that unions help reduce income inequality, improve working conditions, and advocate for the rights of all workers. By supporting union-friendly policies, the NDP reinforces the foundations of our rights to organize, negotiate, and stand together for our collective interests.

Meet the NDP Candidates in the IBEW 993 Jurisdiction

Here’s a list of the NDP candidates running in ridings within the jurisdiction of IBEW 993:

  • Kamloops-Centre: Kamal Grewal
  • Kamloops-North Thompson: Maddi Genn
  • Fraser-Nicola: Francyne Joe
  • Cariboo-Chilcotin: Michael Moses
  • Salmon Arm-Shuswap: Sylvia Lindgren
  • Columbia River-Revelstoke: Andrea Dunlop
  • Prince George-Valemount: Clay Pountney
  • Prince George-North Cariboo: Denice Bardua
  • Prince George-Mackenzie: Shar McCrory
  • Nechako Lakes: Murphy Abraham
  • Skeena: Sarah Zimmerman
  • North Coast-Haida Gwaii: Tamara Davidson
  • Bulkley Valley-Stikine: Nathan Cullen
  • Peace River North: Ian McMahon
  • Peace River South: Marshall Bigsby

Each of these candidates has a commitment to the union values we hold dear and understands the challenges facing working families. By considering their platforms, you can ensure that your vote aligns with the principles of fair wages, safe working conditions, and the strength of union representation.

Your Vote, Your Future

This election is a critical moment for our union, our wages, and our rights. As members of IBEW 993, our votes have the power to shape policies that will impact our lives, our work, and our families. Make sure your voice is heard—consider early voting and ensure that we continue to build a province that supports the union way of life and values the contributions of working people.

Early Voting Locations

Click to view a list of early voting locations to find the one nearest you.

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