International Women’s Day 2024 | IBEW 213

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 213

We were in Victoria with the BC Building Trades for International Women’s Day. Tradeswomen spoke powerfully about the need for better access to properly fitting PPE, and even brought some of that ill-fitting PPE for the politicians to try.


International Women’s Day message from IVP Russ Shewchuk


Union women have blazed the trail when it comes to fighting for a more feminist and equitable Canada. Coast to Coast, our IBEW Local Unions are also continuing to build Local Union Women’s Committee’s so that our sisters can gather and discuss issues important to them and their respective industries, jobsites and provide peer-to-peer support. These committees have been actively involved in their communities and Local Unions in various capacities across the country.

This International Women’s Day let’s celebrate our successes, lift up women workers, and take the time in the coming weeks and months ahead to thank our sisters of the IBEW and support them in their efforts to achieve their professional and committee goals within your Local Union.

In solidarity,
Russ Shewchuk

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