Site C reservoir filling video screenshot

Site C information sessions: Reservoir filling

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

BC Hydro is inviting residents of the Peace region to information sessions on filling the Site C reservoir. These sessions, which include one virtual…

Western JETS Presentation to PGNAETA in Prince George

Western JETS Presentation to PGNAETA in Prince George

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 993

On April 4th, the Western JETS put on a residential wiring presentation for PGNAETA members, as part of our outreach efforts to attract more aborigina…

Outlast & Outsmart | IBEW 213

Outlast & Outsmart | IBEW 213

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 213

The law in Canada couldn’t be any clearer: Workers have the right to form unions, and companies must negotiate with them when they do. But the nearly…

Mia Soliman: Contract Technician, JGC Fluor (JFJV) - JGC

Mia Soliman: Contract Technician, JGC Fluor (JFJV) – JGC

Categories: BC, LNG

What is your role on the Project? After I graduated from Coast Mountain College, I started as the administrative assistant for JGC Fluor (JFJV) Site S…

Scaife Signs - JGC | FLUOR BC LNG JV

Scaife Signs – JGC | FLUOR BC LNG JV

Categories: BC, LNG

What is your business? What services or supplies do you provide? Our business is sign manufacturing. Primarily, traffic signs and accessories, banners…

Swear In of New Members  Center of Excellence Kamloops

Swear In of New Members Center of Excellence Kamloops

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 993

BM Glen Hilton and Organizer Bryan Andrews had the opportunity to swear in the following new members: Dustin Baker, Noah Defer, Michael Musicco, Tye N…

New Members Sworn in at Site C Dam

New Members Sworn in at Site C Dam

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 993

ABM Mike VanHellemond took the opportunity on his site visit to swear in new members. Please welcome new members Nicholas Lauzon, Patrick O’conn…

Board Imposes Agreement on LTS

Our Fight for Anti-Scab Legislation

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 213

After numerous letters, phone calls, and two recent trips to Ottawa, the Federal Government came to us – and committed to anti-scab legislation. Wedne…

Canadian Navigable Waters Act Notice - Submersible Pump - JGC

Canadian Navigable Waters Act Notice – Remediation of River Water Intake – JGC

Categories: BC, LNG

JGC Fluor BC LNG Joint Venture (“JFJV”) hereby gives notice that a submission has been added to the Navigable Waters Registry pursuant to the Canadian…

Introducing International President Kenneth W. Cooper

Introducing International President Kenneth W. Cooper

Categories: BC, IBEW, Local 213

Kenneth W. Cooper grew up in a house with no indoor plumbing in one of the poorest neighborhoods of a dying Rust Belt town and then joined one of the…
