Heavy Duty Repair Mechanic | IBEW 2351

Cancellation of / Call Back From Vacation

Categories: IBEW, IBEW 2351, Newfoundland and Labrador

It is understood that for business continuity purposes during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company has implemented an updated interim policy on annual l…

Heavy Duty Repair Mechanic | IBEW 2351

National Day of Mourning | IBEW 2351

Categories: IBEW, IBEW 2351, Newfoundland and Labrador

Letter from International Vice President, Tom ReidThe National Day of Mourning, held annually on April 28th, was officially recognized by the federal…


National Day of Mourning | IBEW 2351

Categories: IBEW, IBEW 2351, Newfoundland and Labrador

Letter from International Vice President, Tom ReidThe National Day of Mourning, held annually on April 28th, was officially recognized by the federal…

Heavy Duty Repair Mechanic | IBEW 2351

Brothers and Sisters | IBEW 2351

Categories: IBEW, IBEW 2351, Newfoundland and Labrador

On March 11th, 2020 – the world as we know it changed when the World Health Organization declared a Global Pandemic.  What that meant was not known by…
