BC Hydro submits Site C annual progress report to BCUC

Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity

VANCOUVER: BC Hydro has submitted its second annual progress report for the Site C project to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) that covers the period from October 2016 to December 2017.

The report documents key construction milestones including major contracts awarded, the issuance of dozens of key permits and authorizations, agreements with communities and Indigenous groups, and a look at upcoming priorities for 2018.

Since construction started in July 2015, the following work has been completed:

  • Site preparation, including on-site access roads
  • Clearing of the north and south banks at the dam site
  • North bank cofferdams
  • Construction of the worker accommodation lodge
  • Construction of the Peace River construction bridge
  • Powerhouse excavation
  • Upgrades to 240, 269, 271 and Old Fort roads
  • Construction of the Site C viewpoint

Key information contained in the annual report includes:

  • Project expenditures totalled $2.127 billion as of Dec. 31, 2017.
  • In Dec. 2017, the project budget was updated to $10.7 billion, including costs incurred to date, contingency and project reserve.
  • River diversion was re-sequenced to 2020 due to construction challenges encountered in 2017.
  • In Dec. 2017, BC Hydro submitted a draft amendment to the environmental assessment office for changes to the design of the generating station and spillways that will optimize capacity, minimize environmental risks, improve safety, and facilitate the ease of long-term maintenance during operations.
  • Subsequent to the reporting period, a contract was awarded to the Aecon-Flatiron-Dragados-EBC Partnership for the generating station and spillways civil works, the second largest single contract on the Site C project.
  • Two Impact Benefits Agreements were signed with Indigenous groups in spring 2017, for a total of six agreements fully executed.
  • On average, there were 2,133 workers on the Site C project of which 1,735 were from British Columbia.
  • All provincial and federal regulatory agencies noted that environmental compliance had improved throughout 2017.
  • BC Hydro will continue to closely monitor potential interface issues between the main civil works and generating station and spillways contractor to ensure construction milestones are met.

BC Hydro is committed to delivering the Site C project on time and within the revised budget. Going forward, a number of improvements will be made to increase independent oversight of project performance, ensure the appropriate resources are in place to manage new and existing contractors, and enhance openness and transparency through increased project communications.

BC Hydro Media Relations

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