BC Hydro awards Site C balance of plant mechanical contract
Categories: BC, Hydroelectricity
VANCOUVER: BC Hydro today announced it has awarded the $70 million Site C balance of plant contract for mechanical work to Mitchell Installations Ltd.
The Burnaby-based company will be responsible for all mechanical work required to complete the construction of the generating station and spillways, along with other related facilities at Site C.
Mitchell Installations Ltd. is an established industrial contractor specializing in mechanical equipment installations, and has a 20-year history of working on other BC Hydro projects. This includes the Mica Dam 5 and 6 Project, upgrades to the Ruskin Dam and the cooling water gates replacement at the Burrard Generating Station.
The contractor will mobilize on site this fall and work is scheduled to be completed in 2024. Mitchell Installations Ltd. is committed to creating Indigenous and apprentice employment and training opportunities.
BC Hydro is committed to following rigorous standards for all its procurement activities. The balance of plant mechanical contract was awarded following a comprehensive evaluation and due diligence process.
BC Hydro Media Relations
p. 604 928 6468
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